主要是响应式编程(Reactive Program
),它集合了观察者模式,迭代器模式,函数式编程的优点,是一种面向集合数据流和变化传播的编程范式,是基于异步数据流概念的编程模式。数据流就像一条河:它可以被观测,被过滤,被操作,或者为新的消费者与另外一条流合并为一条新的流ReactiveX is a combination of the best ideas from the Observer pattern, the Iterator pattern, and functional programming
It is sometimes called “functional reactive programming” but this is a misnomer. ReactiveX may be functional, and it may be reactive, but “functional reactive programming” is a different animal. One main point of difference is that functional reactive programming operates on values that change continuously over time, while ReactiveX operates on discrete values that are emitted over time.